Green sauce

with hard-boiled eggs and boiled potatoes

Frankfurt Green Sauce is served cold over hard-boiled eggs and boiled potatoes. It is made of seven different kinds of herbs: borage, chervil, cress, parsley, salad burnet, sorrel and chives.

The most famous myth is that green sauce was Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's favourite dish, invented by his mother. Actually, the first green sauce recipe was published in 1860 in a cookbook by Wilhelmine Rührig, but Frankfurt locals love to connect their favourite fare to the renowned author, who was born in Frankfurt.

Frankfurt Green Sauce

How to prepare the traditional dish back home.

Where to buy the herbs for Green Sauce

In Frankfurt you will find the herbs for preparing the traditional Green Sauce at the "Kleinmarkthalle", an indoor market hall, at the various weekly markets and sometimes even at the supermarket.

Green Sauce Festival

Frankfurt's most popular delicacy is honoured annually with a seven-day cullinary celebration.