

All Roads Lead to Frankfurt

Whether you are arriving by plane, train or automobile, Frankfurt is one of Europe's most important traffic and transport hubs.

Arrival by car and bus

Frankfurt is easy to reach from all directions, be it by car, bus or other mode of transport.

Arrival by train

Frankfurt's main train station is Germany's most important railway hub.

Arrival by airplane

Frankfurt Airport services 61 million passengers per year, more than any other continental European airport.

Please note!

No subway service on U 1, 2, 3 and 8

The subways U1, 2, 3 and 8 are not running until August 12, 2019

Closure of the northern bank of the River Main

The Mainkai will be closed off for traffic from 29.07.2019

Tickets for exploring FrankfurtRheinMain

Discover Frankfurt and the RhineMain region and receive attractive discounts at recreational and cultural establishments.

Frankfurt Card

Free travel within the city districts and Frankfurt International Airport and reduced-price admissions


2-Day Ticket for public transport within the RMV area and attractive discounts

How do you travel in Frankfurt?

Public Transport

Subways, trams, commuter trains and busses - The easiest way to travel in Frankfurt!

Cycling in Frankfurt

In Frankfurt, cycling is a healthy and affordable alternative to motorised travel.

Barrier-free transportation in Frankfurt

Bus Parking