
Publisher Tourismus+Congress GmbH Frankfurt am Main
Kaiserstraße 56
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Phone +49 (0) 69/21 23 88 00
Fax +49 (0) 69/21 23 78 80
Legal representation According to Paragraph 7, Article 3 of the Articles of Association, the managing director shall represent the company in all legal and extrajudicial matters.
Managing Director Thomas Feda
Other particulars The TCF is a subsidiary of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  Chairman of the Supervisory Board Lord Mayor Peter Feldmann
  Managing Director Thomas Feda
  Corporate Domicile Frankfurt am Main
  Register Court District Court of Frankfurt am Main
  Register number HRB 40 156
  VAT-Identification Number DE 172998552
  VAT-Number 047 246 63448
Party responsible for matters regarding the
Federal Media Services Agreement
Thomas Feda
Copyright Copyright holder is the Tourismus+Congress GmbH Frankfurt am Main (a.k.a. Frankfurt Tourist Board or TCF). All data provided by this website is protected by copyright law. Any form of reproduction, distribution and/or public repetition is an infringement of the holder´s copyright and may be lead to prosecution and claims for compensation. This does not apply to data whose further use has been expressly authorised or which has been approved for such use on the website.
To obtain permission for use, kindly contact the managing director.
Liability notice All website content is monitored with due care and attention. However, the TCF shall assume no liability for the content of external links. Responsibility for the content of link pages remains solely with their respective operators.
Implementation Concept, design and programming:
Content Management System eZ publish (Community Edition)
This copy of eZ publish is licensed under the GPL v2.
Copyright © 1999-2014 eZ Systems AS, with portions copyright by other parties. 
Online Dispute Resolution acc. to Article 14 Passage 1 ODR-VO The European Commission launches a new platform for alternative dispute resolution between consumers and online traders, that can be found at