TCF Partnerships and Collaborations

This overview names the local and regional partners of the Frankfurt Tourist+Congress Board (TCF) as well as listing its collaborations with national marketing agencies.

View from the Main Tower's observation platform during sunset
View from the Main Tower's observation platform during sunset - © Tourismus+Congress GmbH Frankfurt am Main

Die Stadt Frankfurt am Main ist einem immer stärker werdenden Wettbewerb mit anderen Städten und Regionen ausgesetzt. Das trifft sowohl für die nationalen als auch für die internationalen Märkte zu. Für die TCF können diese Nachteile nur durch strategische Kooperationen verringert werden. Dabei ist die Zusammenarbeit mit den lokalen und regionalen Partnern besonders wichtig. Im internationalen Wettbewerb kommt die Kooperation mit nationalen Vermarktungs- und Marketinggesellschaften hinzu.

The TCF’s most important co-operation partners

Local Level

Regional Level

Arbeitskreis Tourismus Frankfurt Rhein-Main (Tourism Frankfurt Rhine-Main Working Committee)
The promotion of the tourist destination of Frankfurt is closely linked to that of the Rhine-Main region. Thanks to its location as well as its national and international significance as a destination of both business and pleasure, the Frankfurt Rhine-Main region plays a leading role in Hessen. This working committee is made up of 19 regional partners who work together in actively promoting the Frankfurt Rhine-Main region in the segments of tourism, conferences and congresses. 

Other important partnerships include our collaboration with approximately 220 accommodation establishments in running our hotel reservation system, Frankfurt Regio Soft, our co-operation with the state’s beverage industry and our partnerships with various business associations, such as the IHK-Forum Rhein-Main (Chamber of Commerce Forum Rhine-Main), the Einzelhandelsverband (Retail Association) as well as the local, regional and national media.

National Level

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Goethe-Straße (Goethe Route Working Group)
This work group promotes the Goethe Route, a theme trail that highlights the travels of Germany’s most famous author and poet. Members include, amongst others, the cities of Erfurt, Fulda, Leipzig, Weimar and Frankfurt. The work group has over the years developed a number of joint advertising measures (website, brochures etc.) for various overseas markets, especially Japan and Korea.

Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus e. V. (DZT) (German Tourist Board)
The German Tourist Board is the TCF’s most important partner when it comes to promoting Frankfurt as a tourist destination outside of Germany. With more than 30 offices worldwide, the German Tourist Board is responsible for marketing Germany as a popular travel and tourist destination. The TCF participates in numerous marketing activities carried out on foreign markets under the umbrella of the German Tourist Board (e.g., fair participations, workshops, study trips etc.).

Franken Tourismus – Mainradweg (Tourism Franconia – Main River Cycling Trail)
Frankfurt is also involved in the touristic promotion of the Main River Cycling Path. Bicycle tourism is enjoying a steady increase in popularity these days. Thanks to its membership in this promotional scheme, Frankfurt is advertised positively in all informative brochures and on the website representing this popular bike track.

GCB German Convention Bureau e.V.
The Frankfurt Convention Bureau (FCB) is an active member of the GCB, co-operating closely with the association in the areas of congress marketing and congress acquisition. Based in Frankfurt and New York, the GCB promotes Germany as a congress, conference, event and incentive destination on a national and international level. It is also the primary point of contact for all those planning to hold a special event in Germany. As a congress industry expert, the GCB continuously observes the market, developing innovative strategies and recommendations for action from the data collected. It is also an official partner of the IMEX fair.

Lufthansa Meetings & Events
Whether for international trade fairs, European congresses, smaller company meetings or large events – with 'Meetings & Events' the Lufthansa Group airlines enable delegates to travel individually and cost-effectively to Frankfurt am Main.

Magic Cities Germany
Magic Cities is a marketing co-operation consisting of ten major German cities (Dresden, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hanover, Cologne, Leipzig, Munich, Nuremberg and Stuttgart). Together, these cities present themselves on the most important overseas markets.

Straße der Demokratie (Road to Democracy)
The so-called Road to Democracy aims at promoting the most important historical sites of the Revolution of 1848/49. Frankfurt, site of the famous St Paul’s Church Parliament, played a key role in Germany’s democratic history. The marketing activities developed by this work group include a website, various brochures as well as presentations at national tourism fairs.

Deutsche Fachwerkstraße (German Timberframe Road) 
Established in 1990, the German Timberframe Road is a part of a working committee entitled Deutsche Fachwerkstädte (German Timberframe Towns). At present, the German Timberframe Road stretches from the mouth of the River Elbe in the north of Germany all the way to the Lake of Constance in the south, a distance of more than 2,800 kilometres. Traversing six German states, the road is subdivided into seven regional routes. The TCF is a member of the German Timberframe Road by way of the Frankfurt city district of Höchst, which is part of the 176-kilometre regional route, “From the Westerwald across the Lahn Valley and Taunus to the River Main”.


International Level