

Brochure: Barrier-free Frankfurt

Information for handicapped travellers

A wheelchair user and his escorts on the Main Tower’s observation platform
A wheelchair user and his escorts on the Main Tower’s observation platform - © Tourismus+Congress GmbH Frankfurt am Main, Foto: Holger Ullmann

Frankfurt am Main, the bustling metropolis in the heart of Europe, is known for its exciting and unusual contrasts. We aspire to provide all of our guests - handicapped or not - with unhindered access to the countless attractions on offer. The "Barrier-free Frankfurt" brochure provides comprehensive travel information for handicapped persons. It also presents the touristic offerings of Frankfurt, including sightseeing attractions, museums, theatres, shopping facilities, restaurants and guided city tours. More importantly, it informs on a variety of handicapped-related aspects, such as general accessibility, door width, the location of public toilets for wheelchair users, and so on. The Frankfurt Tourist+Congress Board has examined and selected the information to facilitate planning, booking and realising a trip with a minimum of hassle. The "Barrier-free Frankfurt" brochure is available in German and English and may be downloaded in a barrier-free PDF-version.

The icons used in this brochure were selected in collaboration with the Municipal Office of Handicapped Affairs. For the accessibility of other attractions and detailed information about these institutions, please visit