Opera Square Festival

24.06. – 03.07.2019

The inscription on the magnificent facade of Frankfurt's Old Opera House reads "Dem Wahren Schönen Guten" – "To the true, the beautiful, the good". The Opernplatzfest – a culinary festival annually held on Frankfurt's Opera Square – certainly holds true to this principle. It pays homage to what is one of the most beautiful plazas in Frankfurt, filling the city space with urbanity and pure vitality. This feast for the senses offers visitors many colourful culinary delights and a wonderfully diverse stage programme featuring everything from jazz to pop music.

Opernplatz, 60325 Frankfurt am Main

Opening hours
Daily from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm 

Arrival via public transport
Subways (U-Bahn) U6/U7 to Alte Oper
All commuter trains (S-Bahn) to Taunusanlage