Information regarding

  • Healthcare Industry
  • Innovations in Research, Education and Training
  • Medical Technology
  • Acute Medicine and Rehabilitation

Healthcare Industry

The Healthcare Industry in the Frankfurt Rhine-Main Region is liberal, progressive and highly dynamic. The variety of manufacturing companies operating in the pharmaceutical and medical technology sectors, the excellent care provided by the region’s clinics and the significant work performed by its research institutes combine to form the basis for the innovative products and services proffered by the region’s healthcare industry. Moreover, the metropolitan region of FrankfurtRhineMain has also achieved a leading global position in the field of medical technology and medical product development. The region’s 700-plus healthcare companies, which include global players such as Merck, Fresenius, Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland and Lilly Deutschland, B. Braun, Biotest, Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Heraeus, BIT Instruments, Almo Erzeugnisse Erwin Busch and Sirona, the world leader in the field of dental technology and products, employ more than 20,000 highly qualified industry professionals.

Innovations in Research, Education and Training

Improving people’s health is both an incentive and a challenge for medical researchers. The innovations developed in this important field of activity provide the basis for the improvement of healthcare for people everywhere. Mankind benefits more from the findings and innovations of the healthcare sector than those of any other field or industry. Frankfurt Rhine-Main plays an important role in this regard, being one of the world’s premier centres for progressive healthcare innovation, research and training. As such, it is of course also the home base of the country’s leading healthcare specialists. Few if any regions in Germany dispose over such a vast number of clinics and hospitals, pharmaceutical firms, biotechnology and medical technology companies, industry service providers, research institutes and training facilities.

Frankfurt Rhine-Main is also a frontrunner in terms of innovative cancer treatment. Although a cancer diagnosis continues to be a shock for any patient, these days, there is more and more reason to hope. The Frankfurt University Hospital, meanwhile, is yet another pioneer in the development and application of innovative treatment methods. As one of many ongoing research projects, the hospital has been working on the development of so-called thermo-ablative procedures, that is, treatment using heat. As an alternative to surgical procedures, this technology is used to remove pulmonary metastases and thyroid nodules as well as liver and soft-tissue tumours.

Frankfurt University Hospital -

Together with the University Centre of Tumour Diseases (Universitäres Centrum für Tumorerkrankungen or UCT), the University Medical Centre Mainz (Universitätsmedizin Mainz) has been working on new forms of cancer treatment, applying both the highest degree of medical expertise and the latest scientific developments. These two medical institutes, which were awarded the title of “Oncological Centres of Excellence” by the charity foundation, German Cancer Aid
(Deutsche Krebshilfe), continue to develop new and innovative cancer therapies as well as standards for treatment procedures, thereby helping to improve the overall chances of survival and recovery of cancer patients.

University Medical Centre Mainz -

Good health is a matter of genetics The bio.logis Centre for Human Genetics (bio.logis Zentrum für Humangenetik or ZfH) follows a different approach. Here, selected genetic examination procedures are applied so as to gain knowledge of  an individual’s particular biological condition. It was at the ZfH that researchers developed the so-called “personal genomics services” (PGS), which provide interested parties with access to their individual genetic information, in particular
that genetic information deemed relevant according to scientific examination for specific individual use. In other words, PGS provides patients with information relevant to their health as well as the health of their descendants, combined with scientifically verifiable possibilities of use.

bio.logis Centre for Human Genetics -

The Frankfurt Trauma Clinic (BG Unfallklinik Frankfurt am Main) is one of only a few medical institutes to perform research in the field of bone and prosthesis infections.

Frankfurt Trauma Clinic -

Medical Technology

Alongside the field of innovative research, medical technology provides the most significant contribution to the health and wellbeing of humankind. Whether it’s prevention, diagnostics, therapy or rehabilitation, medical technology plays a leading role in improving quality of life. And it doesn’t end there: Medical technology is also one of the most innovative and capital-intensive sectors of the healthcare industry. This fact holds particularly true in the State of Hesse and
metropolitan region of Frankfurt Rhine-Main. Here, the spectrum of medical technology providers ranges from small and medium-sized businesses through hospitals, university clinics and technical development firms to major global corporations like Fresenius, B. Braun and Abbott Diagnostics. All of them value the fact that Hesse does not suffer from a shortage of qualified personnel, the state’s universities, research institutes and educational facilities providing a sufficient flow of new recruits. This variety, combined with a high degree of specialisation, innovative capacity and growth opportunity, is what makes the state’s medical technology sector so effective. The companies based in Frankfurt Rhine-Main are not only highly diversified, they also invest heavily and carry out intensive research. The result is improved healthcare for patients all across the globe.

Acute Medicine and Rehabilitation

The Frankfurt Rhine-Main region disposes over an impressive interdisciplinary network of acute medicine and medical rehabilitation facilities. Home to a large number of specialist clinics and hospitals, it is able to provide patients with above-average treatment and care. Visitors travelling to Frankfurt Rhine-Main to undergo specific treatments or surgical procedures benefit from the region’s experience and expertise in various fields of medicine. Patients requiring rest and rehabilitation in order to return to peak physical wellbeing and those seeking to alleviate physical disabilities are sure to find the right type of treatment in Frankfurt Rhine-Main. Clinics based in Frankfurt Rhine-Main offer patients the highest degree of medical expertise and excellent value for money. What’s more, the region is easy to reach and disposes over an excellent infrastructure. Frankfurt Int’l Airport with its range of special guest services ( is well equipped to accommodate visitors travelling to the region for medical reasons. The hospitals and clinics of Frankfurt Rhine-Main offer a wide range of interdisciplinary treatment programmes tailored to address various symptoms and individual patient requirements. With the university hospitals in Frankfurt, Gießen and Marburg, the Sana Klinikum Offenbach and the Hochtaunus Clinics, patients have available to them a high-quality selection of maximum-care hospitals. The region’s specialist clinics, including the German Clinic for Diagnostics (Deutsche Klinik für Diagnostik) and the Aukamm-Klinik in Wiesbaden, and the Kerckhoff-Klinik with its heart-lung centre and the affiliated Harvey Vascular Centre (Harvey Gefäßzentrum) in Bad Nauheim, are renowned in their respective fields of expertise.