
30.05. – 02.06.2020

Unique to Frankfurt am Main, the "Wäldchestag" (Forest Day) falls on the Tuesday after Whitsun and is the high point of the Whitsun holiday. The metropolis of Frankfurt has been celebrating this day as its "national holiday" for centuries. Young and old throughout the generations leave their work by midday at the latest, gathering their kith and kin and heading to Frankfurt's city forest to celebrate "their" Wäldchestag. The Wäldchestag is a symbol of how much the citizens of Frankfurt identify with and love their city. It is an important custom and part of Frankfurt’s urban life.

Frankfurt City Forest/Am Oberforsthaus

Opening hours
Saturday and Sunday 12:00 pm -1:00 am
Monday and Tuesday 12:00 pm - 12:00 am

Getting there via public transport
Trams 21 and V or Busses 51 and 61, deboarding at "Oberforsthaus"


to the Wälchestag (Forest Day)

Public transport stop Am Oberforsthaus

Free parking available at the parking lots Gleisdreieck and Waldparkplatz.


The History of Frankfurt's Wäldchestag

The history of the Wäldchestag cannot be determined conclusively. In the absence of documentary evidence of its origin, there are two variations that are considered possible.
