Hand cheese with music

Frankfurt speciality: Handkäs with onions
Frankfurt speciality: Handkäs with onions - © Tourismus+Congress GmbH Frankfurt am Main


- 8 pieces of mature hand cheese

- 200g of onions

- 4 tbsp of white wine vinegar

- 8 tbsp of cooking oil

- Salt, pepper and sugar

- Caraway seeds

- Served with dark bread and butter


The cheeses are cut in half, crosswise, then placed into a shallow bowl.

The onions are peeled and finely diced. Then, the onions, vinegar, oil, sugar, salt, pepper and caraway seeds are stirred into a marinade and spread over the cheeses. Insiders do not add the oil until the salt has dissolved in the vinegar.

The cheeses should marinate for one to two days. They must be repeatedly turned over, only then do they achieve their full, desired flavour. 

The cheeses are eaten together with the onions as well as dark bread and butter. The are rich in calcium and lactose-free.

Bon appétit!